Essence of Color
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Enlightened Living from Your Colors

Hello Colorful Friends
Thank you for contacting me for an Essence of Color consultation.
Your desires & experiences matter to me very deeply, & I want to help make your life
 better & more fulfilling.

Sometimes to share, Sometimes to help, Always to understand , Always to be your friend.

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Hello, I am Bonnie Titus.  I began Color & Image, Wardrobe & Home Decor consulting  
while I was a flight attendant.  I discovered that Color influenced how I, the passengers,
& co-workers responded to our physical, emotional & environmental needs.
I  began applying what I learned to my personal life & soon was helping others live more
harmoniously by discovering their best Colors.  When we learn how to 'flow' with our Colors
& how to use them effectively, magical things can happen!

I offer personal Essence of Color consultations to help you access deeper levels of
understanding how to live the life you want to live.  

We all have areas that flow for us, other areas seem to be blocked.  
Learning to live your colors will help
remove the blocks & give clarity to your true purpose & how to live it. 

All color comes from the planets, which I call stars. At the time you were born. 
your stars were positioned in the sky in a certain way that brought you your
"Colors".  Which gives information about your talents, habits, strenghtns & 
weaknesses.  Knowing which colors are affecting various areas of our lives, is
vital for living a happy, prosperous, fulfilling life.
My consultation will help you discover your special gifts &
how to use them to live the life you want.

Years ago, I used to give 'color swatch' consultations, but found they 
were not enough to satisfy for a long period of time.  In fact, I discovered that
many people were not wearing or living the colors they needed & 
were not happy, incurred negative results, even health problems.
For example, I had a client who was told she was a "Winter", and told she
should wear contrasting & bright intense colors.  She went along with it, 
changed her wardrobe, home decor, etc. But after a few months she 
found she was losing her appetite & becoming noticeably thinner (she didn't
need to lose weight!) & was becoming moody & depressed.
She also had her first "panic attack" & was feeling anxious for no reason.  
She was referred to me by a friend, because she had many unanswered 
questions regarding her color choices.

We discovered during her Essence of Color consultation that she was an 
Air/Fire type, & was needing balance & grounding with Earth & Water colors.
The original colors she was given were chosen from a color system that matches
swatches to your skin, hair, eyes, etc. After she used those colors for almost
a year she knew something was not right. She was feeding herself with colors
that were causing her to go out of balance.  She was suffering from
too much cold & air, which were causing her depression & loss of appetite.
She needed more fire, heat & balanced colors.

Soon after our consulatation, she did a complete turnaround.  She added
colors from her birth chart & her imbalances disappeared!
She looks healthy & is happier.  Her friends commented on how young
she looked, and asked what she was doing.  She told them she discovered through our consultation,
the power of knowing what her true colors are from birth.

And how essential it is to integrate them into our lives.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

Throughout my 20 yrs. of studying Color, I have discovered that each of us
has our own unique Colors.  And when we live them our lives are more 
in tune with nature.  More balanced & harmonious. 
Colors are reflected all around us. Chosing the best ones for you brings
a sense of stability & creativity that can unfold all possibilities for success.

 Essence of Color Consultations
2 hr. - Complete overview of your past, present & future with lots of time for Q & A ($200)
1 hr. - a shorter version of the above with limited Q & A ($100)
30 minute - time for 1 question or wanting a specific time for an event ($50)
I accept Master Card orVisa

I look forward to hearing from you soon!  

Please take a few minutes to read some comments from my clients.

KL from Maui wrote:

I have been a customer of Bonnie's for over 20 years. I met her when she gave skincare demonstrations out of her home. I was very impressed with her line cosmetics and to this day I feel the difference in my skin. When Bonnie came out with her own clothing line, I was one of the first people to wear her beautiful designs. I always felt beautifully dressed when I wore a 'Bonnie ensemble'. People would stop me on the street and ask where I bought my necklace, scarf or outfit.

Recently I had a Live Your Colors consultation with Bonnie, and everything she said and advised me is right on. A few months ago I made a major move out of the states, and asked Bonnie for help in guiding me day by day to make the correct decisions. The readings were so accurate that my move and starting again went very smoothly. I followed Bonnie's advice for purchasing the special gemstone that was selected just for me from my planets/Colors. I followed all of her advice for my protection and I can tell you of 2 instances where I know I would have been harmed had I not had the protection and support of my ring.

Bonnie is the best! She is sincere in all areas of her profession. I have had many other types of readings, but Bonnie's Color Consultations explaining where our colors come from, and how to use them to improve our life, is definitely the best and most accurate and detailed. Bonnie is truly devoted to helping people find their path in life and realize their destiny.

AT from Santa Barbara, CA, wrote:

I have known Bonnie for over 15 years and have sought her advice and input on business and personal concerns for the last four or five years. Bonnie has continuously brought clarity to my questions helping to remove roadblocks that have appeared on my path. In every instance her uplifting insights and point of view have proven to be of immense value. I consider Bonnie to be a boundless source of light and energy which she graciously shares with the world around her.

RT from CArmel, CA. wrote:

I recently visited your website, and found it to be very interesting. I am interested in having a Live Your Colors consultation, and want to know how to begin. Let me know soon. You have a great website!

MM from San Francisco, CA, wrote:

I met Bonnie during a difficult time of my life. She suggested I have a LYC consultation to see how my colors (planets & stars) were effecting me. It was so enlightening to hear her describe my life to a "T"! Bonnie taught me how to live in sync with my colors, how to do things at the right time, and this has, and continues to have a profound effect on my life. I call her for "mini" consultations on a regular basis to find out the best time to do things, and truly feel more confident in my decisions and choices because of it. I strongly encourage everyone to get their Color reading going as soon as possible. It will bring so much clarity and peace into your life. Love ya, Bonnie!

CW from Kansas City, MO, wrote:

Bonnie is bubbling with wisdom and insights that make her truly a very special light in this world! Her inner and outer beauty are rare. I am so happy I have her to guide and help me understand the deeper meaning of life.

JC and LB from Salinas, CA, wrote:

My wife and I consulted with Bonnie during our separation and divorce several years ago. Her expert opinions and willingness to show us what our colors/planets were trying teach us was amazing. She worked with us individually as well as together. We were impressed with how Bonnie was not just trying to bill us for her time, but spent more than her fare share explaining and showing us how we would benefit from learning how to reach an equitable settlement, one that served both of our needs, and that we could both live with. We followed her advice, her timing, and we had what I would call a very peaceful and harmonious divorce! I continue to consult with Bonnie whenever I need to make a big or important decision. Through the years, I find I am becoming more attuned to my chart, my colors, and my life is less complicated. Thanks for everything Bonnie!!

KM from Omaha, NB, wrote:

Bonnie I don't know if you remember me, but we were flight attendants together for TWA in the '70s. I had a chance to work with you inflight several times, and I knew even then that you possessed talents and insights that many would benefit from. You are a natural consultant, and I am so happy to find you through your Color consulting, and look forward to contacting you for a reading soon.

IG from Minneapolis, MN, wrote:

Hi Bonnie, remember me? We were in interior decorating school together in 1976. I learned more from you than the instructor!! You spent lots of time showing me (and others in the class) how to follow color and design naturally from our own essence. I am so proud of you and your success! Your website is beautiful. I will call you soon, so that we can get caught up on old times. And I want to have your Live Your Colors consultation soon!.

RT from San Diego, CA, wrote:

I have known Bonnie for 20 years. Her boundless happiness and natural impulse always to give to others is a blessing to those who know her. She has a natural ability to shed light on the aspects of our environment that impact life every day, from the colors we wear to the planets in the sky. The knowledge she has shared with me about the influences of the planets on my personality has been invaluable. Her little hints each clearly resonated with nagging questions in my mind. My annoying habits instantly evaporated with this little bit knowledge and enabled me to experience greater happiness and fulfillment in my relationships with others. Her knowledge coming so spontaneously from a profound background of study, always seems to flow on a wave of light and love.

DK from Charleston, NC, wrote:

Meeting Bonnie put me on a fast track of spiritual awakening. She opened eyes and heart, and I let her words strike deep cords in me. I have a yearly update with her, and have learned to live a happier life because of her counsel and wisdom. Thank you, and peace be with you always

LL from Miami Beach, FL, wrote:

I met Bonnie in her beautiful shop in CArmel, CA. She personifies everything she believes in and says. I was impressed from the start. We scheduled a color consultation, and I returned the next day to apply her expert advice to my wardrobe. The outfits I bought from Bonnie are the favorites in my closet. I feel so good, and others say they fit me well and give me a special look. I have since moved to northern CAlifornia, and had Bonnie come to me house to apply my Colors to it. It's fascinating to watch rearrange, simplify, and organize with such ease. She is a natural wonder, friend, and someone I will always look up to and admire. Keep up the good work, Bonnie.

AW from Marin, CA, wrote:

Bonnie has an intuitive gift that she loves to share with everyone. She is beautiful example of Live Your Colors. She always stands out from the crowd because of her enthusiasm and openess. I am so glad that we met, and that I started living mine. My health, relationship and career all got better because of her advice.

NJ from Eugene, OR, wrote:

My girlfriends and I heard about Bonnie's unique color consulting from a spiritual friend. We took a trip down the coast a couple of years ago, and had Bonnie's Live Your Colors consultations. I learned more in the short time with her, than in all of the other consultations I have had in the past. Everything she told me felt right, gave me confidence, and helped to transform my life in many ways. I am going to have her come to my home and do her "color thing". I have heard from a friend that it is having a good effect on her health. Love your website Bonnie!

GK from Houston, TX, wrote:

Just wanted to say here that Bonnie's color consultations aren't just for women! I took her advise over the internet, and have had alot of success from it. I haven't met Bonnie in person, but I hope to some day soon.

TT from LA, wrote:

Don't know anything about you, but your website is very cosmic and spiritual, and made me feel good.

LA from Salt Lake City, UT, wrote:

I hope you write a book Bonnie. Each time I see or talk to you, your cup is overflowing with so much I can't remember it all. You're a real inspiration!

SO from Tampa, FL, wrote:

I met Bonnie a few years ago when she gave a Color & Fashion presentation at a local Inn in CArmel. I loved her sparkle, and energy. I made an appointment right away, and can only say that it has changed my life! I'm happier than I have ever been, and I feel secure knowing that I can the information Bonnie gave me is personal and just right for me.

BW from Los Angeles wrote:

My soon to be husband and I are having the time of our lives and are enjoying each other completely. I have never had such a loving and kind relationship in my entire life! The info you supplied to me has made all the difference in the world of how I have approached this precious relationship. Your coaching through your Color work has allowed me to develop skills that I have needed for years when with any relationship...especially a romantic one! Without your info and wisdom I believe that this relationship with, my man,would not have gotten off a healthy and start. I could have missed this great growth potential and possibly my soul mate.

Thanks for all the love and passion you put into your work, Bonnie. I am proud to know you and thankful for you being in my life! I cannot imagine anyone not benefiting from your special knowledge of the sacred connection between our Colors and the planets and applying this info to any area of his or her life. IT works for me!

LE and KE from San Francisco, wrote:

We just couldn't leave town without visiting your website and telling you that we absolutely loved our Color consultations with you this past weekend. We have had them done in the seasonal way in the past, but nothing comes close to all we learned from you! And you really surprised us with how knowing our Colors (husband & wife) helps to clarify many misunderstandings we have had. Each person is unique, and we didn't realize just how much until we spoke with you. We just wanted to say “thank you,” and let you know we are heading home, going to take your advise and clean our closets, change our rooms around, and really start “Living our Colors.” See you next time....

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