Essence of Color
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  Enlightened Living with Your Colors  

Discover which Colors make you feel good & happy

Create beauty & balance by wearing & decorating with your best Colors

Learn ancient secrets for success & creating what you want

Find out all about Color & how it effects your health & environment

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The goal of having an Essence of Color consultation is to get a complete over view of your  life...past, present and future. Then we will plan the best course of action & time to take the steps needed to bring fulfillment, happiness & success

Find your best Colors for:

    Spiritual progress
  & more

                                               Discover where your Colors come from.
                                                 How they connect us to our Stars.
                                          Live the life you want. Love the life you have.

                           Contact Bonnie to discover which Colors are perfect for you!

  831 233-2429 or email me at

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