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Mercury - Emerald

Joy ♥ Intuition ♥ Serenity ♥ Intelligence Clear vision ♥ Truth


Emerald enhances unconditional love, unity & promotes friendship. 

  Emerald stimulates the heart chakra, having a healing effect on the emotions 

as well as the physical heart.

  Emeralds ensure physical, emotional and mental equilibrium, bringing harmony to all areas of ones life. 
Focusing intention and raising consciousness, it brings in positive actions,
eliminating negativity and enhancing the ability to enjoy life to the fullest.
It brings loyalty & provides for domestic bliss

Emerald enhances psychic abilities and stimulates the use of greater mental capacity. 
It helps bring awareness of the unknown to conscious recognition, imparting reason and wisdom. 
Emerald assists in inciting activity and focus in ones actions. 
It strengthens memory and imparts clarity of thought. 
It inspires a deep inner knowing, promoting truth and discernment.

The Emerald represents the Star Mercury, & includes all rich colors of green.

Emerald treats disorders of the heart, lungs, spine and muscular system. 
It aids in recovery after infectious illness, helps sinuses and soothes the eyes, improving vision. 
It has a detoxifying effect on the liver and alleviates diabetes and rheumatism.

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